Divine Liturgy Schedule
Come and Worship With Us
Sunday 9:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM
Learn How You Can Help
Help Us Support UkraineThere are numerous avenues available to provide monetary aid. If you so wish, your aid can be directed through a fund established by the Philadelphia Metropolia: “War Victims and Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine”, which can be found on the website of the Philadelphia Archeparchy: www.ukrarcheparchy.us or make checks payable to Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church, and indicate that it be sent to the fund listed above.
Pray With UsJoin us every Wednesday at 6:00pm as we host a Special Litany to Protect the People of Ukraine. Follow along with us using the link below.
Your favorite Ukrainian comfort food is back!
Pickup for all orders is Saturday September 14 Pyrohy (Pierogies) - A cup of butter and onions is available with each dozen until we run out * $7.00 Dozen - Potato and Cheese * $8.00 Dozen - Sauerkraut and Potato ***Order deadline is September 9th for a September 14th pickup |
MAIN: (330) 724-8277
AKRON, OHIO 44301 |
“If you do not live what you believe, you will end up believing what you live.” - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
1866 Brown St.
Akron Ohio 44301 |
(330) 724-8277
330-689-9072 |