Divine Liturgy Schedule
Come and Worship With Us
Sunday 9:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM
Your favorite Ukrainian comfort food is back!
Pickup for all orders if Saturday March 1st Pyrohy (Pierogies) - A cup of butter and onions is available with each dozen until we run out * $7.00 Dozen - Potato and Cheese * $8.00 Dozen - Potato and Sauerkraut ***Order deadline is February 24th for a March 1st pickup |
Learn How You Can Help
Help Us Support UkraineThere are numerous avenues available to provide monetary aid. If you so wish, your aid can be directed through a fund established by the Philadelphia Metropolia: “War Victims and Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine”, which can be found on the website of the Philadelphia Archeparchy: www.ukrarcheparchy.us or make checks payable to Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church, and indicate that it be sent to the fund listed above.
Pray With UsJoin us every Wednesday at 6:00pm as we host a Special Litany to Protect the People of Ukraine. Follow along with us using the link below.
MAIN: (330) 724-8277
AKRON, OHIO 44301 |
“If you do not live what you believe, you will end up believing what you live.” - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
1866 Brown St.
Akron Ohio 44301 |
(330) 724-8277
330-689-9072 |